Queenie Szu-Yu Huang’s Selected Works

Taipei City Booth

November 2021

Exhibited at
Taipei International Travel Fair 2021

Taipei City Government

My Tasks
Content Research
Ideation and Proposal 
3D Design and Rendering
Construction Document

Zord Su/ Project Lead
Amelie Hsu/ Graphic Designer


An exhibit booth for Taipei City promoting local tourism. The challenge was in building a cultural experience under a very commercial context. While visitors line up for the stores, the space is made as if they are walking through the streets of the traditional side of Taipei with rich history.

Initial Research and Ideation Stage

The design of the booth was a bidding project where I started by researching into the architectural history of certain areas the government wanted to promote.

Fascinated by the uncommon history of Bopiliao, a traditional street of vendors with double storefronts in Taipei, I created a booth for visitors to walk through the two sides of Taipei: one that sought to preserve the traditions and history, and the other that constantly adapt to the new. While shopping and browsing through the booth, they are able to feel as if they are walking through the streets that adapted through time.


Bidding Proposal

The front consist of the Taipei we know of today, the skyscraper skyline known for the extravagant fireworks on new years eve. From the back, it the various spots that preserved the traditional buildings form the past, turned into tourist spots and educational areas.

Post-bid Changes

After confirming the success of the bid, changes were made to adhere to the government’s needs. This includes the specific events and locations they wanted to promote. However, the theme of double storefronts promoting both the traditional and modern Taipei remained, enhanced by a more layered and unique form that provided a better sense of walking through a town.

Possible Developments

This is purely a hypothetical case I modeled in incorporating more digital interactions. With a sensor at the yellow photo spot that changes the view of the ‘windows’ to information, QR code, and maps of the actual place when someone steps on it to try to take a photo. This urges the visitors to actually visit these places, not only for taking  beautiful images  but also learning about its cultural and historical background.