Queenie Szu-Yu Huang’s
Archived Projects

Objective View of Contested Collection
@ Jay Street Metrotech
April 2024
A meta-exhibition allowing visitors to embody a museum object from their own cultural context to approach the topic of repatriation with an empathetic lens.

> More Information
Filed under:
Physical Interaction, Projection Mapping,  Unreal Engine 5, Research-Based, Exhibition Design

@ ITP Spring Show ‘23
May 2023
Inspired by NYU professor John Jost and his collaborators’ research on Children's Social Representations of Utopian Societies, and the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, YOUTOPIA is an interactive city model that challenges users in considering what values they would prioritize in an ideal society

Done in collaboration with Bruce Arthur Jr., Jaxon Wang, Karina Chow, and Lily Yu.

> More Information
Filed under:
Interactive Experience, Data Visualization, Physical Computing, Projection Mapping, Research-Based

Taipei City Booth 
@ International Travel Fair
November 2021

Awarded Best Booth at the fair, this space aimed to promote local tourism in Taipei City. The challenge was in building a cultural experience under a very commercial context. While visitors line up for the stores, the space is made as if they are walking through the streets of the traditional side of Taipei with rich history. 

Done in collaboration with a graphic designer, Amelie Hsu

> More Information
Filed under:
Trade Show Booth, Cultural Theme, City Promotion

if on a winter’s night, 
a fight, a car, and a moment of snow
December 2023
A  multi-sensory VR narrative that brings viewers through a  car ride that reflects the emotional roller coaster and nuances of a conflict between a couple.

Done in collaboration with Vera Zhong.

> More Information
Filed under:
Virtual Reality, Unreal Engine 5, Multi-sensory Experience, Physical Computing, Narrative-Based

Transcending Boundaries
@ United Nations
December 2023
Presented in the exhibition space of United Nations’ New York headquarters, Transcending Boundaries is an interactive globe that introduces visitors to the many organizations within the vast UN system and the global issues they tackle.

Done in collaboration with Mashiyat Zaman, JD. Calvelli , and Lily Yu.

> More Information
Filed under:
Interactive Screen-based Experience, Informational Program, Research-based, Unity Development

Climate Change-Induced Glacier Retreat Alters Pacific Salmon Habitat with Varied Effects
December 2023
A scroll-based visual story about the effects of glaciers melting on salmon’s habitat. Collaboratively we worked on the research, editing, and storyboard but my main role was creating the 3D environment and animation using 3ds Max, Blender and React Three Fiber.

Done in collaboration with Eric Cheng and Levitia Patricia.

> Preview article prototype
Filed under:
Interactive Storytelling, Visual Journalism, Research-based, 3D Rendering, 3ds Max, React Three Fiber

@ ITP Spring Show ‘23
May 2023
Fwenfwoiej explores the sensation of indecision via a gradually distorting projection on a bedroom. As users engage with different interactions around them, the room's abstraction clears up, providing a window into the transformative impact of simple decisions in daily life.

Done in collaboration with Vera Zhong.
Filed under:
Interactive Experience, Projection Mapping, Physical Computing

The Wilderness Trail
May 2023
This project explores the perception of wilderness: places that are often seen as the natural place 'untouched' by humans but in reality, is a very cultural invention.

As viewers walk through this trail, there are different interactions that act as metaphors for how national parks and trails are created and preserved, highlighting the absurd differentiation between what we consider 'natural' and 'synthetic' and questioning the environmentalist vs. commercial intention of such acts.

> Video Demonstration
Filed under:
Virtual Reality, Unreal Engine 5, Nature

The Amateur Conductor
March 2023
A playful music box for those who aren’t well-versed in music but fascinated by orchestra music and the act of conducting. Simply wave your baton in front of the box and it opens out to play music that you can then control the speed and volume of by conducting.
Filed under:
Interactive Experience, Physical Computing, Paper Engineering

Omakase: A Multi-sensory Experience
December 2022
Omakase is an unusual dining experience where you are served a plate of visually ambiguous food to explore without tasting. It aims to challenge our regular dining experiences by diverting the expectation of visual and gustatory qualities of food to acknowledge and enhance the presence of other senses in our daily activities.

Done in collaboration with Tom Xia, Shauna Wu, and Vera Zhong.

> More information
Filed under:
Multi-sensory Experience, Physical Computing, Speculative Design

@ Computex Taipei 2022 

May 2022
This booth surrounds the concept of From Edge to Cloud in the physical space of the booth for GIGABYTE, a major computer hardware manufacturer and distributor. In addition to the main theme of server room, each area includes details recreating different scenarios that showcase the contexts for each product presented. 

Done in collaboration with a team of designers.

> Video Walk-through
Filed under:
Trade Show Booth,  Commercial Promotion

Taipei Fashion Week
Exhibition SS22
October 2021
An exhibition displaying  the works by designers participating in the Taipei Fashion Week, providing an overview of their work and a space of interaction between designers and clients.

Done in collaboration with a team of designers.
Filed under:
Commercial Promotion, Fashion Event

Lumine Booth
@ International Travel Fair
November 2021
Rethinking the ways to promote the shopping experience at Lumine, a brand of Japanese shopping centers in Tokyo. The space was designed to display the identity of the brand and their target audience: fashionable, young women with focus on living out their own lifestyles.
Filed under:
Trade Show Booth, Commercial Promotion, Fashion

ASE Group
@ Smart City Summit & Expo
March 2022

Showcasing a range of sustainable applications and abilities of the semiconductor company through a playful space that echos the theme of Smart City.
Filed under:
Trade Show Booth, Commercial Promotion

Reading Myth of Sisyphus
May 2019
An adjustable furniture exploring design as a tool in interpreting narratives, evoking the users’ understanding and individual interpretation of Albert Camus’ Myth of Sisyphus through interaction. 

> More Information
Filed under:
Furniture, Interactive, Narrative-based

Foliage: A Lighting Tool
May 2020
A lighting fixture aimed to be used as a tool to help employees transition between different usage of time in an office environment. It improves both workplace well-being and productivity through its ability to transform from a regular ceiling pendant that creates a focused mood with energetic light to a relaxing plant canopy that improves relaxation through its ambient lighting.
Filed under:
Lighting, Office Environment, Biophilic Design

Spyde Metal Side Table
December 2019
The bold industrial look of the SPYDER Side Table is contrasted with its playful nature through a detachable lighting piece underneath the table that crafts a different feeling from every angle. 
Filed under:
Furniture, Lighting

Entangled Ceramic Collection
October 2018
This collection focuses on the relationship between two forms, one coiled around the main body, to create variations in slip-casted pieces. Whether it is in the process of making or as the final outcome, the two parts interact and shape each other. 
Filed under:
Ceramics, Slip Casting, Vases and Planters

Sisyphus’ Floor Lamp
October 2019
This project combines the exploration of seemingly cheap materials such as cardboard and the challenge of bringing philosophical meaning into products. The result is a playful floor lamp with a light that slides down to the bottom every time one places the light bulb at the top. In performing the futile action, users acquire an understanding of the philosophy in Albert Camus’ essay, Myth of Sisyphus.
Filed under:
Lighting, Furniture, Narrative-based, Interactive, Philosophy